October 31, 2007 at 10:47 pm | Internet
- Posted by AR |
Engadget Mobile has the story on the talks between Google and three major networks, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. Apparently these talks made Google’s stock go over $700 today. I’m pretty curious to see where all this is heading. A GPhone or a Google OS for mobile phones. Free calls in exchange of receiving text ads? The mobile operating system seams to have the best odds right now, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Two more weeks and all the hype that’s been building up in the last year will finally come to an end. Better late then never I guess.
Tags:GoogleGPhone,mobile operating system
October 31, 2007 at 9:34 pm | Internet
- Posted by AR |

Just read a fiction story written by Cory Doctorow, about Google and it’s increasing knowledge of our lives. From email, search, docs and soon going into social networking, Google can see a much bigger part of your life then you think. Every move you make online can be tracked if they wished so, as many sites out there use either Google Adsense or Google Analytics tracking codes.
Anyway, head on to Radar Online and check out Scroogled.
Tags:cory doctorow,google evil,scroogled
October 31, 2007 at 9:21 pm | Random
- Posted by AR |

It was found by british marine biologists in the ocean, north of Iceland, while they were doing routine research. The clam, part of the ocean quahog species, was brought to the surface from 250 feet deep.
The surprise, after they cut through its shell, killing it in the process, was that the clam was over 400 years old, based on the growth rings that it had, making it the oldest living animal on Earth. Now that it’s dead, the oldest clam alive found is 374 years old.
Too bad this one didn’t make it.
Tags:ocean quahog,oldest living animal
October 27, 2007 at 9:04 am | Random
- Posted by AR |
Did you know these Alaska Facts?
- The first settlement made by Europeans in Alaska was in 1784, and it was did by Russian fur traders.
- In 1867, Alaska was bought by the US from Russia for $0.02 per acre, or $7.2 million.
- Just 13 years later, gold was discovered in Alaska, making the sale a really bad deal for the Russian government.
- In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of the United States of America.
- 25% of the oil extracted in the US comes from this state.
- It’s 425 bigger then the State of Rhode Island.
- The official flower of Alaska is the wild forget-me-not, declared so in 1917.
- The official state sport of Alaska is dog mushing.
- Its motto is "North to the future"
- Almost one third of Alaska lies in the area called the Arctic Circle.
Tags:alaska facts,alaskafacts,dog mushing,forget me not