November 8, 2007 at 9:27 pm | Weird
- Posted by AR |
Meet Gibson and Boo Boo, the tallest and the smallest dog in the world. They just met near the White House, in Washington D.C., to celebrate The Guinness World Records Day.
Gibson, a Great Dane that is 107cm tall was named the tallest dog in the world in 2004. In 2007, Boo Boo took the title for the smallest dog, she is 10.16cm tall and it’s a Chihuahua.

Both of them are bred in the United States. Boo Boo, the tiny one, was the size of a thumb when she was born, and actually had to be fed with an eye dropper when she was young.

Tags:boo boo,chihuahua,gibson,great dane,greatdane,guinness world records,smallest dog in the world,tallest dog in the world
November 6, 2007 at 12:06 pm | Weird
- Posted by AR |
With the large diversity of animals that nature blessed this planet with, it’s no wonder that there are quite a few species that aren’t exactly pleasing to the human eye. It might not be relevant from their point of view, but from ours, there sure are quite a few ugly critters out there. Below you can see 5 of the ugliest faces nature has to offer. Obviously, the list is influenced by my own preferences. Feel free to leave a comment with your own top 5.
5. Russian Wheat Aphid

Less then 2mm long, with a pair of eyes that just creep me out and a saliva that is toxic to plants. This is the Russian Wheat Aphid, an invasive species that causes losses in cereal crops.
4. Almiqui

Small, ugly, with a weird nose and venomous saliva. This is the Almiqui, also known as the Cuban Solenodon, an endangered species that lives underground.
3. Mata Mata Turtle

You can see above its head from profile, it’s the Mata Mata Turtle, with a large, triangular head, a horn on the nose and lots of tubercles and flaps of skin. It’s a large land turtle, that can be found in South America. Two more pics below, because it’s so worth it.

2. Dobsonfly

What you see above is the face of a Dobsonfly, put under the microscope. Isn’t it sweet how those eyes are looking at you?
1. Helmeted Water Toad

Just look at this lovely creature and those hands. It’s the Helmeted Water Toad, and apparently it lives in Chile and feeds on toads, among other things. With a maximum size of 32cm, this is a creepy not so little guy.
Tags:almiqui,cuban solenodon,dobsonfly,helmeted water toad,mata mata turtle,russian wheat aphid,ugliest animals
November 3, 2007 at 9:37 pm | Random
- Posted by AR |

The guys from ThinkGeek have a few new products in the toys department, 4 action figures from World Of Warcraft: the Orc Shaman, the Blood Elf, the Undead Warlock and the Dwarf Warrior. Between 5" and 7.75" tall, and come with accessories included.
A must for any World of Warcraft player.
Price: $49.99 for the 4 of them
You can see them at
Tags:blood elf,dwarf warrior,orc shaman,thinkgeek,undead warlock,world of warcraft action figures,wow action figures,wow player,wowactionfigures,wowtoys
November 3, 2007 at 11:12 am | Weird
- Posted by AR |
Finding a group of 9 skeletons on the Island of Flores in 2004, a team of scientists studied them and arrived to the conclusion that the Hobbit species found in Lord Of The Rings, is actually a real one. The 9 skeletons had very small heads, which led to the comparing with the LOTR species.

The skeletons are 18,000 years old and only 1 meter tall, the small size being an adaptation to the lack of food on the island.
Tags:hobbit feet,hobbit hole,hobbit house,hobbit travel,hobbits isengard,island flores,lord of the rings hobbits,the hobbit pictures