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A great ad for the Discovery Channel, called I Love The World. They managed to integrate in it most of their shows and the results are great. I think I watched it a dozen times already, and it won its place in my Cool bookmarks folder.


CANADA-HEALTH-SCIENCE-BODYCurious how our world will look like in 2058, 50 years from now? You can find out what others think about it in "The Way We Will Be 50 Years From Today", a collection of essays from 60 great thinkers from around the world.

They seem to agree on the fact that the next half a century will see a great number of technological and medical improvements, giving people the chance to live to be over 100 years old more easily.

Some of the predictions in the book:

  • getting your genetic code analyzed and finding out to what diseases you’re more inclined to have will be something common
  • cyber implants will start to be used more often, and we’ll probably see bionic vision on that list
  • big brother will be much more present in our lives and passports/id’s will be connected in a system similar to credit cards today, making it easier to track someone.
  • water will become a resource as important as petrol in the next 50 years

A much longer look at this collection of essays can be found on Cosmic Log.

Tags:FutureCars,FutureTechnology,FutureWeapons,Telling The Future


According to a Japanese industry body, the Machine Industry Memorial Foundation, by 2025, the labour shortage could be solved by using robots, for over 3.5 million jobs.

Below is a breakdown for some of the jobs that could be taken by robots:

  • Medical and nursing care services – 970,000 jobs
  • Agriculture and forestry sector – 450,000 jobs
  • Cleaning and delivery – 1,410,000 jobs

It’s estimated that robots could free up to 74 minutes of time for families that use them, each day, something that could help more women to enter the labor market.

Out of the 4.2 million job shortage that is projected to be in 2025, 80% or 3.5 million jobs could be taken by robots.

Tags:Future Robots,Manufacturing Robots,Medical Robots,Types Of Robots