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A Spanish tradition dating back from 1620, baby jumping is a practice that take place every year in a small town called Castrillo de Murcia.

During the Colacho festival, people dressed as the devil (Colacho in spanish), jump over babies born in the last 12 months to cleanse them of the original sin and protect them against evil spirits and illness.

It’s considered the most dangerous festival from around the world. This year, it took place on May 22, but you can catch it in 2009, when it takes place on June 11.


A 59 year old American woman that was thought to be dead by the medical staff after her heart stopped, came back to life after she was taken off the life support, just as its family was beginning to arrange for her funeral.

hospital-bed Her name is Velma Thomas and it all begun with a cardiac arrest that she had at home, after which medics took 8 minutes of CPR to get a faint pulse from her again. After she was brought to the hospital, her heart stopped twice more, so she was put on life support.

In the next 17 hours, doctors couldn’t detect any kind of brain activity in the woman, even as they tried some new treatments in their attempts to revive her, lowering her body temperature to stimulate her brain.

Here’s what Tim Thomas her son declared to the Charleston Daily Mail about the decision to pull the plug:

I came to the conclusion she wasn’t going to make it. Her skin had already started hardening, her hands and toes were curling up, they were already drawn. There was no life there.

And with the doctors telling him that there was no pulse, measurable brain activity or blood pressure, the decision came to turn off the life support.

Soon after they left the hospital, the doctors called him and said that his mother came back to life. She had begun moving her limbs and then suddenly, her heart restarted.

When he got back to the hospital, she was conscious and asking where her son was.

Source: Telegraph.co.uk