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Apparently PETA thinks so. Or maybe its just hope?

It looks like PETA put a whole lot of money and effort into their new “Save the Sea Kittens” website and I hope they thought it was a good investment. Don’t get me wrong, I respect what PETA does and stands for but don’t you think they could have spent this money somewhere else and did something a little more productive?

There are better causes out there than saving fish, at least in my opinion. Remember the save the whales campaign? I am sure all of you do. I am 100% behind that because weren’t whales at some point almost extinct? They are hoping for a miracle if they think we can save all the fish. I have an idea lets call tuna, “chicken of the sea”! Oh wait, they already did that, but I guess that was to get people to eat it more and I think it worked. Well they better watch out, the people that eat cats will definitely start eating fish more if they call them Sea Kittens.

Sadly, the site almost seems like a joke to me especially after reading this quote from their site, “People don’t seem to like fish. They’re slithery and slimy, and they have eyes on either side of their pointy little heads—which is weird, to say the least. Plus, the small ones nibble at your feet when you’re swimming, and the big ones—well, the big ones will bite your face off if Jaws is anything to go by.” So people won’t save fish because they are slimy, slivery, and their eyes on the sides of their head? C’mon if something is slimy, slivery, and have eyes that stare at you when you eat them how could you eat it? I doubt that makes people want to eat them more.

That is all for my rant. I guess at least they are trying something different to get the message out to people so I can’t totally come down on them for that. This site does have some interesting information and I hope it actually helps their cause.

Explore the site here


This website will surprise you at first, as it did me. It talks about the history of segregation and is very informative.

So take a look at and let me know if you were surprised http://www.remembersegregation.org/


I came across an article from the boston.com which explains how to give yourself a hallucination by tricking the mind in simple ways. The first way it explains is by listening to radio static and putting a cut in half ping pong ball over your eyes. Since your brain has little to sense in this situation it produces its own illusions or fantasies that you can supposedly see.

The next one shows how you can shrink pain by looking at an injury you have on your body through binoculars, but holding them backwards so the wound or injury looks smaller. This has been tested and shown in studies that this helped the person feel less pain and even reduced inflammation. This shows you how seeing something really effects how our mind feels about it.

There are more of these cool little tricks that you can check out Here

Or you can check out the main image on the site Here
that shows an animated picture of how to do these mind tricks

Source: Boston.com

