Random Technology About

So you are telling me someone could walk again and be able to become blue? Man that is a cool trade off if you ask me! The sad thing is it might help spinal injuries but probably has some other terrible side effect (other than turning blue) that they haven’t discovered yet. I am usually an optimist but it just seems like that is how it always works. I hope this discovery really works and helps people in the future though, so lets keep our fingers crossed. In the meantime you better keep popping those blue M&M’s!

Check out the story at CNN

Take care!

I randomly found this blog the other day and I was looking through some of their old posts when I found this one. It shows some of the most smart and creative ads from around the world that I have ever seen, so check it out you will be surprised by most of them I think.

Here are 15 that I think are pretty cool:

Check out the rest!