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Caskets on isle 15, shovels in the gardening section. Ok maybe I took it to far there but yes you can buy caskets at Walmart, but not actually in the store which would be even more weird. Maybe I am just behind in the times and I did not know that already. How naive of me not to think you could order a casket online at Walmart, you can get anything else really. I guess that is not something that I have thought about so that’s my excuse. If you want to take a look for yourself go to this link.

Which will include the new album by Get Busy Committee

If it wasn’t for this flash drive I would not be buying this album, but thanks to this genius marketing its mine!

I wasn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box when I was a kid, but I never thought about trying this stunt. Academically challenged students all over the nation should take heed: this trick doesn’t work.

When an anonymous eleven-year old boy in Huntsville, Alabama saw his school performance slide, he knew that he was going to be in trouble. The punishment for low marks was apparently harsh enough to compel this student to concoct an elaborate story.

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If you are trying to knock out all the 7 deadly sins and you are left with Gluttony and Greed then this post will help you!

Those are probably 2 of the easiest ones to fulfill, especially in America, but I am just trying to help those few out there that need some direction.

So first off we have the KFC Double Down Sandwich…

This is a sandwich being tested at KFC’s in Providence, Rhode Island and Omaha, Nebraska. How can they be so lucky? Why even test a sandwich using 2 breaded boneless chicken breasts as the bun and nice slices of bacon and cheese in between. This would be a goldmine. I am not sure why it is being tested in these 2 areas, but this sounds like a pretty nasty sandwich to try to eat. Wouldn’t you have grease just running down your arms as you held it up?

Anyway, this seems like a good and cheap way to fulfill the gluttony sin so good luck! Maybe KFC should come up with their own turducken since they are getting pretty close with this anyway. Just stuff the pork (bacon) in the chicken and there we have it! If anyone ever tries this or know someone that has please let me know!

Source: Courant.com

On to Greed, but also I guess this item could fulfill Gluttony as well. The Golden Opulence Ice Cream Sundae is $1000 US dollars and is offered by a restaurant called Serendipity3 in New York. This actually broke the Guinness Book of World Records for you guessed it, the most expensive Sundae.

The website where I found out about this sundae is called Dailyolive.com. Here is a description of it from their site:

Made with “5 scoops of the richest Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla and covered in 23K edible gold leaf, the sundae is drizzled with the world’s most expensive chocolate, Amedei Porceleana, and covered with chunks of rare Chuao chocolate, which is from cocoa beans harvested by the Caribbean Sea on Venezuela’s coast. The masterpiece is suffused with exotic candied fruits from Paris, gold dragets, truffles and Marzipan Cherries. It is topped with a tiny glass bowl of Grand Passion Caviar, an exclusive dessert caviar, made of salt-free American Golden caviar, known for its sparkling golden color. It’s sweetened and infused with fresh passion fruit, orange and Armagnac. The sundae is served in a baccarat Harcourt crystal goblet with an 18K gold spoon to partake in the indulgenceserved with a petite mother of pearl spoon and topped with a gilded sugar flower by Ron Ben-Israel.”

So I guess you can knock out both sins with this one, but hey why not do both anyway? Here is a link to the Serendipity3 restaurant, which has that item listed on their menu so it actually does exist. You have to give them 48 hours in advance to get one so you might want to call them today!