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I found this retro bluetooth headset at ThinkGeek.com and it has to be the coolest bluetooth ever invented! Definitely not for practical use, but to get reactions out of people, this thing will work! Go here to check it out, it is only $29.99 which is about the price of a normal bluetooth anyway.

A friend sent me this link last week and I hadn’t had a chance to post it until now. This site shows pictures of Dubai’s progression throughout the years in their architecture and technology.

There are also interesting pictures showing what Dubai’s plans are for the future of their architecture. In their record books, Dubai already has the tallest hotels in the world which are considered the only 5 star deluxe hotel in the world as well. They own both of the world’s tallest hotels and the tallest one called the Rose Tower stands at 1,093 feet and the second tallest hotel is Burj al-Arab and it was built on an artificial island right beside a beach standing at 1,053 feet.

The Rose Tower Hotel Standing at 1,093 feet

Burj al-Arab Hotel Standing at 1,053 feet

Here is an image of what Dubai looked like in 1990…

For comparison here is a recent image of Dubai, this site claims it is from 2008…

I was curious to how they can afford all of this expansion so fast and did some research. Initially without doing research I assumed they produced a lot of oil, which they do, but that is not their main source of income. According to Wikipedia almost 23 percent of their income comes from construction and real estate which does not surprise me after seeing the pictures on this site.

There are some very fascinating photos on the website I have been talking about throughout this post so you should at least check it out for those!

Tags:dubai buildings,dubai construction,dubai technology

Science magazine named its top 10 breakthroughs of 2008 and it is an impressive list. Seeing that the 2nd runner up is the DNA of Cancer cells you can imagine the first one… Check out the list here

Tags:10 breakthroughs,2008 science breakthrough

According to physorg.com Taiwanese engineers developed a new wireless technology that makes WIFI and 3.5G cell phones speeds laughable. This new SoC design chip is 100 times faster than WIFI and 350 times faster than 3.5G and could possibly only cost $1 to make per chip in mass quantities.

The head of the project Professor Jri Lee of National Taiwan University (NTU) and UCLA PhD recently demonstrated the chip locally at NTU. According to physorg.com, “The system on a chip combines Front-End Circuits and an antenna array to reach the ultimate transmission speed.” The SoC chip was demonstrated at downloading a 4GB video in about 10 seconds which would take about 4.5 hours using a bluetooth device.

SoC stands for System-on-a-chip and If you are curious to what the SoC chip definition is check out this LINK at Wikipedia to find out.

Click Here to read the rest of the article at physorg.com

Source: physorg.com

Tags:3.5G,download speed,fastest download,SoC wireless chip,wifi,wireless technology

Here are 50 ways to help save the planet, if you want to lend a hand. No need to do everything on that list, but anything you do can help.

Here’s a sample, that if my calculations are right, says that you can save ~25-28 trees each year just by recycling all the issues of the newspaper you’re subscribed to.

There are 63 million newspapers printed each day in the U.S. Of these, 44 million, or about 69%, of them will be thrown away. Recycling just the Sunday papers would save more than half a million trees every week.