
What you see above is the pic of a flexible contact lens, with microcircuits embedded in it. When the lens is not activated, the wearer will be able to see normally.

There are a number of possible uses for these lenses: telescopic vision for soldiers, aircraft pilots, projecting video games on them. Right now it’s still a technology in its beginnings, but soon it will be tested on a human, once they manage to display a few pixels on it. Definitely not bionic eyesight yet, but in the future we might be able to display information like traffic, weather, latest news, directly on these contact lenses. Remember how The Terminator displayed information about targets? That’s how it should work.

The UW team uses a technique called self-assembly to manufacture the eyewear. Researchers dust a specially designed contact lens with microscale components that automatically bond to predetermined receptor sites. The shape of each component dictates where it attaches.
