I think the title covers all the different sports I am going to show you. The source of this article is from cracked.com so check it out. I will list 4 of the 8 crazy, weird, stupid, and dumb sports.

8. Shin Kicking – Self explanatory really. This has to be close to the dumbest one in my opinion, sorry if I offend any shin kickers out there!

7. Bossaball – kind of like volleyball on a trampoline.

6. Extreme Freestyle Walking – Also self explanatory, but not sure if it makes walking cool or not.

5. Ferret Legging? – I’m not even going to tell you what this is, just see for yourself. Don’t worry there is no ferret abuse.

4. Dwile Flonking – I don’t even know what either one of those words mean? But this has something to do with a beer rag…

Go to this link to read this great article at cracked.com. The article goes in depth of when these sports originated, where, and why. You will be surprised on how much detail the go into! Enjoy!

Source: Cracked.com

Tags:funny sports,stupid sports,weird sports