According to a few articles I read, an Italian Priest is organizing a Nun beauty pageant online so Nun’s can get more exposure in the Catholic Church. It seems like to me, if Nun’s want more exposure maybe they should let them leave the convent a little more to do other things for the community. I don’t see how a Nun beauty pageant will benefit the church unless they are doing it to raise money for something.

The contest is called “Miss Sister 2008″ and the Nun’s will fill out a profile and provide a picture so people can vote for their favorite one. Priest Rungi said, “This will be an occasion to make their contribution more visible.” So I guess this is a pretty exciting time for the Nun’s since they probably don’t get to do interesting activities in the convent. Hopefully they will get some votes, so I will keep you posted on when this site is live and you can vote for your favorite Nun!
