
A team of scientists from the University of Alberta announced that they discovered an inactive gene that when turned on will block HIV, preventing that person from getting the disease.

While current medication fails to address the HIV mutations, so they can’t cure it, a better solution is to use this gene to prevent HIV from spreading.


"When we put this gene in cells, it prevents the assembly of the HIV virus," said Barr, a postdoctoral fellow. "This means the virus cannot get out of the cells to infect other cells, thereby blocking the spread of the virus."


"This means that TRIM22 is an essential part of our body’s ability to fight off HIV. The results are very exciting because they show that our bodies have a gene that is capable of stopping the spread of HIV."

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Update: some facts about the human genome if you’re curious.

Tags:Block HIV Gene BlockHIV,CureAIDS,CureHIV