I know earth day was this week and I didn’t get a chance to do a full on earth day special but a co-worker sent me a link to this image and it is pretty hilarious so I thought I would share.

*click for larger image

I don’t even understand how the companies even thought this was a good idea. I know it had all to do with money and they wanted to pay for a sponsorship but come on, Hummer sponsoring a green earth section is just funny. If I remember correctly Hummer’s are the worst vehicle on gas and polluting the environment unless they built a hybrid version which probably gets 12 miles per gallon highway instead of 9, thanks for that guys.

According to EPA.gov the 2009 Hummer H3 has a score of 1 in the green house emission category with 10 being the best. Check out the info here. Well since they are sponsoring a green earth section on a website I think I will look into buying a Hummer now! I still can’t believe the US car companies are putting so much effort to push these huge, expensive, gas guzzling vehicles on everyone, I understand that they make the most profit from these vehicles, but how about they concentrate on building great cars that are fuel efficient and affordable.

Tags:funny advertisement,green earth,hummer,sponsorship