I thought you might find this interesting or scary, I know I did. I stumbled on to a few articles about a mobile microwave a company called Maplin is making in the UK. It runs off your 12V DC lighter in your car and you can cook any of your tasty treats on the go. Well you probably shouldn’t be microwaving anything on the go, but who would want to pull over to cook? People have a hard enough driving and talking on their cell phones, I can’t imagine someone trying to drive and cook. Lets hope this idea does not catch on.

You can purchase the 12V In-Car Microwave Here for 89 Euros, but what a small price to pay for cooking in your car right?

This could be a nice concept for “pimp-your-ride-ers”, maybe that is the perfect market for the portable microwave. With gaming systems, flat tv’s, mini-bars, being put in cars today why not have a portable microwave in your ride? People may not ever leave their cars again, especially since you can get a portable toilet as well. Read more about that at BBC News

Source: switched.com