Have you seen the IG Nobel Prize winners? Do you even know what I am talking about?

Well, I have just recently heard about the annual IG Nobel Prizes given out each year around October and there are some interesting winners. As you might have figured out from the title of this post Sharee A. Umpierre, Joseph A. Hill, and Deborah J. Anderson did lab research and discovered that Coca Cola can be used as an effective spermicide. They don’t go into detail on how they experimented with this research, but we can only imagine. The research also showed that Diet Coke worked better than regular Coke. That is great, you can get less calories and prevent pregnancy at the same time!

Readers please don’t try this, I am pretty sure it is a parody and supposed to be taken lightly, the main title of improbable.com is “Research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK.” I did laugh but I tried not to think after reading about this one because what is the point.

Here are a couple more notable winners: For Biology Marie-Christine Cadiergues, Christel Joubert,, and Michel Franc of Ecole discovered that fleas living on a dog can jump higher than fleas that live on a cat, For the Economics prize Geoffrey Miller, Joshua Tybur and Brent Jordan found out that a strippers (professional lap dancers) “ovulatory cycle affects her tip earnings.”

There are many others to check out so go Here to see the rest of the big winners!

Source: Improbable.com