Cloned Meat

cloned-calves-cows Would Americans be interested in cloned meat? The advantage would be that they would get the absolute best quality for the money paid. Imagine the most succulent and flavorful piece of stake, being replicated and served to consumers. The FDA gave their approval for milk and meat from cloned animals to be served in the US, but this is far from becoming a reality any time soon.

"The food in every respect is indistinguishable from food from any other animal," FDA Food-Safety Chief Dr. Stephen Sundlof told reporters on Jan. 15. "It is beyond our imagination to even find a theory that would cause the food to be unsafe."

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1 In 100 Adults In US Is Behind Bars

1.6 million Americans in prison and 0.7 million in local jails. That means 1% of the adult population of the United States, which is 230 million. When it comes to ethnic groups, it gets worse. 1 in every 15 black adults is in jail, and the same goes for 1 in every 36 hispanic adults.

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Most Sinful Cities In America

A special report on, that shows the most sinful cities in America, on each of the 7 deadly sins (lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath, envy and pride).

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Tags:Black Adults - BlackAdults,ClonedMeat - ClonedAnimals,DeadlySins,FDAApproval,Local Jails LocalJails