I wasn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box when I was a kid, but I never thought about trying this stunt. Academically challenged students all over the nation should take heed: this trick doesn’t work.

When an anonymous eleven-year old boy in Huntsville, Alabama saw his school performance slide, he knew that he was going to be in trouble. The punishment for low marks was apparently harsh enough to compel this student to concoct an elaborate story.

Leaving Ed White Middle School on Friday afternoon, the student was on his way home when a weapon-wielding assailant grabbed him and forced him into a dilapidated vehicle. Threatened with death if he didn’t comply, the student entered the car. Thankfully, by some mighty act of heroism, he was able to jump out of the car and flee from the malicious kidnapper. He managed to escape with his bulky band instrument. But unfortunately, he lost his backpack, since it remained in the kidnapper’s car. Oh, and, worst of all, he lost his report card which was in the book bag.

After the amazing escape, the boy ran to his grandparent’s house, where he was able to tell the story and contact the authorities. The police came and questioned the young man. Moments later, as the remorse in the boy’s heart mounted, he confessed to lying. The boy’s grandfather called the police, and apologized for the event.

Police admitted that the story was a little bit fishy, especially since the boy was able to manage to escape the kidnapping with his band instrument, but not with his report card. Hmm. All too convenient.

Thankfully, the bad-grade boy doesn’t face any police charges at this time. The truth about his grades will probably surface anyway. Hopefully, the student will learn one of two lessons. He will either try harder at school, or second, try for a little bit better story. Hopefully, he will choose the former.